Who We Are

At Deeply Well, we prioritize creating a safe and welcoming environment where clients feel comfortable sharing their experiences and emotions because we understand that life is hard. 1 in 5 U.S. adults experience mental illness each year while more than half of people with a mental health condition in the U.S. did not receive any treatment in the last year (NAMI). Nobody should have to go through life without someone to support them and that is why we strive to build a trusting therapeutic relationship, fostering an atmosphere of trust, empathy, and non-judgment. We believe in taking a holistic approach with our clients to support their journey towards health, wholeness, and healing.

Deeply Well is staffed with a team of highly skilled and empathetic licensed professionals who specialize in evidence-based therapies. With years of experience in the field, our therapists are well-equipped to address a wide range of concerns, even the ones that might be scary to bring up. Deeply Well provides services for individuals, couples and families regardless of age, race, ethnicity, gender, or religion. Click on the “Get Started Today” link below to fill out our new client intake form because you deserve a life of peace.

Who We Serve

Wellness for Adults

Take care of your mental health with our wellness program designed specifically for adults. We will guide you through personalized sessions that focus on stress reduction, self-care, and building resilience. Say goodbye to anxiety and depression and hello to a happier, healthier you

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Couples & Marriages

We have therapists who are passionate and dedicated to working on your relationship. Whether it is a checkup or a deep wound that needs guidance, we will guide you through to a healthier and happier relationship.

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Teenagers & Preteens

Teen counseling offers a supportive space where adolescents can openly explore their feelings and challenges with a trained professional. By engaging in counseling, teens gain valuable tools to manage stress, improve relationships, and build confidence, all while receiving guidance tailored to their unique experiences. For parents, it provides a proactive way to support their child's emotional and mental well-being, fostering healthier communication and resilience. Embracing counseling can be a transformative step towards a brighter, more balanced future for both teens and their families

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College Students & Young Adults

People searching for identity: high school to college transition, college to work-life transition, identity development, socialization, community building, coping skills

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Survivors of Trauma

Survivors of sexual abuse, physical abuse, psychological abuse or emotional abuse, survivors of domestic violence, survivors of human trafficking, generational trauma, and adults with emotionally unavailable parents

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Helping Professionals

Nurses, doctors, health care professionals, social workers, teachers, non-profit workers, military, people in ministry, church leaders, and those who have a calling to serve.

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